Etiology, clinical-pathogenic features and disintoxication function of cerebrospinal fluid in children with enterovirus meningitis

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In article features of serous meningitises enterovirus etiologi current at children in Samara oblast in 2008-2009 are shown. The spectrum of activators is submitted: at the majority of children have been allocated a virus of type ЕСНО. Viruses of Coxsackie type: Coxsackie B5, Coxsackie A9 have been identified in

smaller percent. Features of clinical current are presented depending on age. In article are shown to feature cerebrospinal to a liquid at children with serous meningitises enterovirus etiologi. On the basis of studying a functional condition albumin attempt to consider clinical-pathogenetic value dezintocsicaition functions cerebrospinal to a liquid is made at enterovirus infections at children's age.

About the authors

T V Komarova



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