Cellular component of a system inflammation in patients with moderate and mild stage of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease during of its exacerbation

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In this article we cite data which demonstrate cellular component of a system inflammation in patients with moderate and mild stage of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in dynamics of hospital therapy during the exacerbation of the given disease. 17 patients participated in research with mild and 21 patient with moderate stage of COPD. The control group consists of 20 conditionally healthy persons. The received results demonstrate that COPD exacerbations in patients with moderate and mild stage is characterized by strengthening phagocytic activity against decrease in number of such cells. Also in such patients activation Т and B cells, against the raised level of the T-NK-cells that depict presence of chronic inflammation in patients already with a mild stage is observed. In patients of the moderate stage the exhaustion of NK-cells is observed. It demonstrates the weakness of antiviral and antineoplastic immunity.

About the authors

O A Enikeev

O A Enikeev


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Copyright (c) 1970 Enikeev O.A., Enikeev O.A.

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