Институциональный анализ САДК после распада апартеида


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В статье рассматривается процесс преобразования организационной структуры САДК после распада апартеида, анализируются функции ее органов и роль ЮАР в новой структуре.

Об авторах

Е Г Консоло

Воронежский государственный университет

Воронежский государственный университет

E G Konsolo

Список литературы

  1. Peters WC. The quest for an African economic Community: Regional integration and its role in achieving African unity- The case of SADC/ WC. Peters.- The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek: Hamburg University, 2010. - P. 131.
  2. http://www.iss.co.za/pubs/books/unesco/Dzimba.html
  3. Towards the Southern Africa Development Community: A Declaration by the Heads of States or Government of Southern African States - Windhoek, 1992. - P. 9-10.
  4. Peters WC. The quest for an African economic Community: Regional integration and its role in achieving African unity- The case of SADC/ WC. Peters.- The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek: Hamburg University, 2010. - P. 141.
  5. http://www.osisa.org/law/regional/sadc-tribunal-still-limbo
  6. Murapa R. Southern African Development Community (SADC): Towards political and economic integration/ R. Murapa - Africa University- Zimbabwe, 2002. - P. 158.
  7. Peters WC. The quest for an African economic Community: Regional integration and its role in achieving African unity- The case of SADC/ WC. Peters.- The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek: Hamburg University, 2010. - P. 132.
  8. http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals
  9. SANTOS J.S. A Integração Regional na África Austral: a SADC na Ótica dos Interesses Sul-africanos/ J.S. Santos - São Paulo University, 1999.

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© Консоло Е.Г., Konsolo E.G., 1970

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