Volgograd Journal of Medical Research

Quarterly, peer-reviewed scientific journal.


  • Sergey V. Dmitrienko, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, PhD 


  • Publishing house of the Volgograd State Medical University


  • Publishing house of the Volgograd State Medical University


  • Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
  • Google Scholar


  • 4 issues per year

About journal

The "Volgograd Scientific Medical Journal" accepts scientific papers in the form of articles, reflecting the results of completed fundamental and practical scientific research, corresponding to the profile of the journal. The main headings of the scientific publication are: scientific reviews, scientific articles (original studies), scientific reviews, reviews on the following scientific specialties: public health and healthcare organization, sociology and history of medicine, dentistry, internal medicine, surgery, pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, pathological anatomy , human anatomy, hygiene, restorative medicine, sports medicine, exercise therapy, balneology and physiotherapy.


Main headings

  • Clinical medicine
  • Health sciences
  • Medical biotechnology
  • Dentistry
  • Pharmacology, clinical pharmacology
  • Public health, organization and sociology of healthcare

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Current Issue

Vol 21, No 2 (2024)

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Method for determining the position and size of the jaws on lateral teleradiography
Verstakov D.V., Dmitrienko T.D., Yukhnov I.N., Kerobyan V.I.

The development of methods for analyzing the size and position of the jaws in the structure of the facial area is still an urgent task and is aimed at improving the methods for diagnosing anomalies. Purpose. To develop a method for analyzing teleradiography to determine the position and size of the jaws with subsequent assessment of their importance in the orthodontics clinic. Material and methods. A retrospective study of archival teleradiography of 58 patients with physiological occlusion and 39 teleradiography with abnormalities of occlusion in the sagittal direction was carried out. Radiographs showed a subspinal point Downs A(SS) and a supramental point B(SM). The occlusal line was drawn through the incisor contact point and the distal occlusion point of the second molar. Results and discussion. With all variants of the maxillary position, it was noted that the alveolar-dental dimensions of the upper dentitional arches were similar in importance to the antagonizing arch in people with occlusion physiology. The difference in indicators was on average 1.07 ± 0.54 mm. Mesial occlusion was characterized by the fact that the alveolar-dental size in the lower jaw was larger than the upper one by 3.74 ± 1.28 mm. In distal occlusion, the size of the lower jaw was smaller than that of the upper jaw, by an average of 3.62 ± 1.12 mm. Conclusion. As a result of the study of teleradiographs, a method for assessing the position of the jaws and their main dimensions was proposed. In physiological variants of occlusion, as a rule, there is an equality of alveolar-dental dimensions of the jaws, and their position in relation to relatively stable anatomical landmarks.

Volgograd Journal of Medical Research. 2024;21(2):5-11
pages 5-11 views
Comparative analysis of electromyographic examination of patients with myofascial pain syndrome
Yarygina E.N., Aleksandrov A.V., Makedonova Y.A., Bondarchuk A.I., Kalashnikova S.A., Amin M.M.

The percentage of patients whose myofascial pain syndrome is detected randomly increases exponentially. In this work, a comprehensive dental examination was performed on 59 patients aged 22–25 years. The clinical examination included palpation of the chewing muscles, the pain potential was assessed on a 3-point scale, the degree of opening of the oral cavity. The functional state of the chewing muscles was examined using the electromyographic method. As a result of the examination, 29 people were diagnosed with myofascial pain syndrome. Normalized parameters were determined using electromyographic examination: the average and maximum amplitudes of the masticatory and temporal muscles proper. These values will allow dentists to carry out differential diagnostics, correctly verify the diagnosis and draw up the correct treatment protocol for this category of patients.

Volgograd Journal of Medical Research. 2024;21(2):12-18
pages 12-18 views
Measures development to improve medical care for patients with paranoid schizophrenia who have independently sought psychiatric help
Goncharenko S.N.

The paper is based on options for implementing measures aimed at reducing the hospitalization level, improving compliance, clinical symptoms, social adaptation indicators and voluntarily life quality hospitalized patients with paranoid schizophrenia. The implementing differential programs possibilities medical and social rehabilitation aimed at personal, social and rehabilitation components that contribute to the critical attitude formation to the disease manifestations and reduce the social functioning dependence degree mental pathology are shown. The aim of the work is to substantiate the implementation effectiveness differential programs medical and social rehabilitation voluntarily hospitalized patients with paranoid schizophrenia, aimed at reducing the hospitalism level. Materials and methods. Grouped sample of 100 patients with paranoid schizophrenia: compensated group (compensation in clinical and social aspects); adapted group (pronounced clinical disorders with satisfactory social compensation); decompensated group (decompensation in clinical and social aspects); conflict group (clinical manifestations low level and pronounced social decompensation). Clinical scales for assessing positive and negative schizophrenia symptoms and assessing the personal and social functioning level. Results. Based on the clinical indicators compliance assessment with the social functioning level for social adaptation of patients various groups, differential programs have been developed aimed at reducing the hospitalization level, including various kinds of psychosocial interventions. Conclusion. The main clinical and improving medical social aspects care for patients with paranoid schizophrenia are the psychiatric reorientation care to social functioning, mandatory psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational medications prescriptions support.

Volgograd Journal of Medical Research. 2024;21(2):19-25
pages 19-25 views
Diagnostic informativity of cytokines/chemokines and growth factors in dentistry
Martynova M.I., Mironov A.Y., Lepilin A.V., Erokina N.L.

The development of inflammatory processes occurs when processes of intercellular interaction with the participation of cytokines, chemokines and growth factors contained in biological fluids of the oral cavity are disrupted. The purpose of the study is to determine the diagnostic significance of the level of cytokines/chemokines and growth factors in various biological fluids of the oral cavity. Materials and methods of research. 4 groups of 20 (total 80) people were examined: 1 – with intact periodontium; 2 – with periodontitis; 3 – with dental implants in the dynamics of orthopedic treatment; 4 – after tooth extraction. The examination included the determination of hygienic and periodontal indices, and during tooth extraction – pain, swelling, hyperemia, and epithelization of the socket. Laboratory studies included determination of proinflammatory cytokines/chemokines and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Results. The content of pro-inflammatory cytokines: interleukin-6 (IL6), interleukin-1-beta (IL1β); chemokines: interleukin-8 (IL-8), monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP-1); and growth factor VEGF in periodontal pockets, peri-implant sulcus fluid and tooth socket reflect the severity of inflammatory and regenerative processes. Conclusion. The level of biomarkers of biological fluids of the oral cavity can be used to diagnose the presence and severity of inflammatory and destructive processes in the tissues of the oral cavity.

Volgograd Journal of Medical Research. 2024;21(2):26-30
pages 26-30 views
Sex dependent of metabolic changes at laboratory animals with acute chemically induced damage of the pancreas
Velikorodnaya Y.I., Novikova O.N., Antonov V.A., Bazhanova E.D., Zorina V.N., Gurov D.Y., Samusev R.P., Zamaraev V.S.

The aim of the study was to evaluate sex-specific metabolic changes at the laboratory animals during spontaneous recovery after a single exposure to the pancreatotoxicant – alloxan. Toxic damage of pancreas was induced by a single intraperitoneal injection of alloxan (150 mg/kg) after 18 hours of starvation. In animals of control and experimental groups 1, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after the administration of pancreotoxicant, the content of albumin, glucose, triglycerides, lactic and pyruvic acids, carboxylesterase activity, as well as the indicators of antioxidant status (malonic dialdehyde and catalase in erythrocytes, oxidase activity of ceruloplasmin) were determined in blood plasma. In experimental alloxan-induced damage of the pancreas in laboratory rats of both sexes, certain gender differences in changes in a number of biochemical parameters and antioxidant system parameters were found. The analysis of the results of the study showed that females were more sensitive to the effect of pancreatotoxicant, and normalization of the studied parameters during spontaneous recovery was slower in them than in males. The main negative effect of alloxan on the organism of females was observed on the 7th day after administration. The revealed sex differences should be taken into account when planning experimental works and explaining their results.

Volgograd Journal of Medical Research. 2024;21(2):31-36
pages 31-36 views
Problems of managing patients with pain dysfunction syndrome according to a survey of dentists
Yaygina E.N., Shkarin V.V., Makedonova Y.A.

The problem of providing dental care to patients with temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome is relevant for dentists of various specialties. Despite the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, clinicians are experiencing difficulties in managing this category of patients. The aim of the study was to identify the problems of managing patients with pain dysfunction syndrome according to a survey of dentists. Materials and methods. Based on the developed questionnaire, which includes 15 questions, a survey of 590 respondents was conducted. Doctors were asked to answer a number of questions, including information about the length of service, level and form of the medical organization in which they work, general knowledge of nosology, possession of diagnostic and therapeutic manipulations to help patients with TMJ. The analysis of the results revealed a number of problems related to the insufficient level of knowledge of doctors about this pathology, the lack of awareness of dentists about the need for additional methods of examination of the chewing muscles, including its functional activity, a shortage of equipment for diagnostic procedures and other difficulties. The development of a unified therapeutic and diagnostic algorithm, a differentiated and scientific approach to the tactics of managing patients with pain dysfunction syndrome will solve the problem of dentists at all levels of dental care organization.

Volgograd Journal of Medical Research. 2024;21(2):37-44
pages 37-44 views
Indicators of physical development of the human body as a predictor of resistance to hypoxic loads
Gaivoronsky I.V., Nikonorova V.G., Chrishtop V.V., Semenov A.A.

The search for informative indicators for assessing health during hypoxic training and individualizing educational tracks is one of the current scientific tasks. Purpose. to determine indicators of the component composition of the body, which are predictors of individual resistance to hypoxic loads, and to identify the corresponding morphotypes. Materials and methods. The studies were conducted on practically healthy individuals (military university cadets) of both sexes, first year students. A total of 20 boys and 16 girls were examined. Eight consecutive Ruffier tests were used as a load hypoxic series, the execution of which ended with the Genchi test. The entire load series was carried out in a GP-7 filter gas mask. The background values of the Genchi test and the values of the Genchi test during the recovery period were also determined – 10 minutes after removing the gas mask. Before the loading series, the component composition of the body and the main anthropometric indicators were determined, and at the end of the Genchi test the saturation of peripheral blood was determined. Results. The results obtained allowed us to identify three morphotypes: stable with high performance, prone to hypoxemia during hypoxic loads and prone to hypoxemia during recovery after hypoxic loads.

Volgograd Journal of Medical Research. 2024;21(2):45-51
pages 45-51 views
Examination of elderly people at a periodonatl dental appointment
Kireev V.V., Karartinyan A.O., Sevbitov A.V., Dorofeev A.E., Kuznetsova M.Y.

The specifics of the diagnosis and treatment of elderly patients require a new approach to standard treatment regimens for periodontal diseases. In recent years, the modern diagnostic software complex «Florida Probe» (Florida Probe Corporation, USA) has been widely used in periodontal surgery. Aim. Determination of the volume of diagnostic periodontal care for the elderly in the State Budgetary Institution of the RO «SP» in Rostov-on-Don in dynamics over three years (2021–2023) using the diagnostic software complex "Florida Probe". Materials and methods. For the study, the performance indicators of three dentists providing periodontal care to the population were used. The periodontal room is equipped with a modern diagnostic software complex "Florida Probe" (Florida Probe Corporation, USA), and we can trace the dynamics of the use of computer sensing over three years. Results. Periodontal doctors performed computer diagnostics of periodontal tissue diseases using electronic probing devices, while in 2021 66 % of patients were elderly people, in 2022 84 %, and in 2023 the figure reached 89.6 %. Conclusion. The use of the Florida Probe diagnostic software complex helps to reduce the time for examination of the patient and filling out the periodontal chart, to record changes in periodontal tissues in response to the treatment, to motivate the patient for further cooperation with the doctor.

Volgograd Journal of Medical Research. 2024;21(2):52-57
pages 52-57 views
Features of Nf-kb expression in the outer granular and outer pyramidal layers of the motor cortex of rats with experimental type I diabetes mellitus
Tyurenkov I.N., Smirnov A.V., Bisinbekova A.I., Bakulin D.A., Galkin M.A.

The aim of our study is to characterize the features of Nf-kb expression in the outer granular and outer pyramidal layers of the motor cortex of the brain in diabetic encephalopathy. Immunohistochemical examination of the inner pyramidal layer of the motor cortex revealed the following differences between the intact and untreated type I DM groups: in the untreated type I DM group, the expression of Nf-kb IRM was observed mainly in the nuclei of damaged neurons in the form of lumps, in the intact group – in the cytoplasm of intact pericaryons. In the intact group, the expression of IRM was detected in vertically positioned axons of neurons, in the group of type I diabetes without treatment, the expression of Nf-kb in vertical processes was not detected. Specific changes were also observed in the pharmacorrection group: the picture of the immunohistochemical description of the aminalon group, succicardium, to a greater extent corresponded to the picture of the intact group. In the group of pharmacorrection with mefargine, the picture is similar to that of type I diabetes without treatment.

Volgograd Journal of Medical Research. 2024;21(2):58-64
pages 58-64 views
Unified format of presentation of district medical organizations at the job fair
Shkarin V.V., Emelyanova O.S., Ivasheva V.V., Korneev A.S., Belikova S.N., Orlova M.I., Khramova N.P.

In this paper we analyzed the results of a survey of medical school graduates to assess the need to obtain information about a possible future job, determined the most preferable format for providing such data, and proposed a unified structure for the representation of central district hospitals (hereinafter - CRH) at the job fair. In order to realize this goal, an original questionnaire consisting of 6 mostly closed questions was developed. 367 6th year students of the VolgGMU medical faculty were interviewed. The results of the study allow us to consider that the presentation of CRB at the job fair in the format of a video is a priority. It is advisable to approve the unified structure (script) of the video clip for district medical organizations, providing in it the sections most interesting for graduates (material and technical support and structure of medical organization, availability of mentoring system, living conditions, staffing and others). It is recommended to create video clips for all medical organizations in need of staffing influx. Links to the created videos about CDCs can be posted on the official website of the regional health authority, on the official websites of medical organizations, as well as on the home page of the medical educational organization.

Volgograd Journal of Medical Research. 2024;21(2):65-70
pages 65-70 views
Preventive aspects of the organization of primary health care in the conditions of mobile units and the field form of work
Levakhina Y.S., Polikarpov A.V., Golubev N.A., Sebelev A.I., Shkarin V.V.

Preventive aspects of primary health care for the population are rightfully considered the most popular type of activity. Experts note that this type of assistance is the most popular and at the same time not the most difficult in terms of organization. The most important area of activity of primary care is preventive work, the effectiveness of which directly depends on its accessibility. The purpose of the study. Determination of the effectiveness of the use of mobile offices and mobile forms of work in the Volgograd region in the period 2018–2022. Material and methods. The material for the work was the form of federal statistical observation No. 30 "Information on a medical organization". The observation period included the analysis of materials from 2018 to 2022 inclusive. Statistical data processing was carried out using traditional methods and the use of personal computer software. Outcomes. Dynamic observation of the studied period of time in the Southern Federal District and the Volgograd Region showed a statistical pattern indicating the availability of reserves for the volume of medical care using the available resources of mobile units of medical organizations. In the Volgograd region, among all units for mobile forms of work, the most numerous are mobile medical teams, in 2022 the total number of these units was 60, which is 7 units less than in 2018. The provision of mobile units for the on-site form of medical care to the population of the Volgograd region in 2023 amounted to 4.9 per 100 thousand population. Conclusion. The most important area of activity of primary care is preventive work, the effectiveness of which directly depends on its accessibility. The efficiency of the work of mobile offices and the field form of work in the Volgograd region has been determined.

Volgograd Journal of Medical Research. 2024;21(2):71-76
pages 71-76 views
Dynamic observation, structure and assessment of the epidemiology of drug addiction diseases in women of the Astrakhan region
Kashirskaya E.I., Ozornina U.A., Ledyaev M.Y., Ulezko T.A., Netreba I.A.

Target. Conduct dynamic monitoring of changes in the epidemiological features of drug addiction nosologies in women in Astrakhan and the region during 2000–2019. Materials and methods. The paper presents analytical data from annual reports for the period from 2000 to 2019 on drug addiction diseases among women in Astrakhan and the region. The obtained data were previously subjected to statistical processing in order to calculate the main epidemiological indicators, such as morbidity and morbidity. The work used mathematical (statistical), theoretical (analysis of the information received), empirical (comparison of the results obtained) research methods. Results. Over the past 8–10 years, in the female population of the Astrakhan region, a significant reduction in the prevalence and primary incidence of alcoholic psychosis has been achieved. The rates of alcohol abuse with harmful health consequences remain unstable. A systematic reduction in the main indicators of drug addiction among the female population has been achieved. Conclusion. A trend towards a decrease in the incidence of drug addiction disorders in women in Astrakhan and the region over the past 20 years has been revealed. The possibilities and prospects for continuing work to reduce rates of drug addiction among women have been identified.

Volgograd Journal of Medical Research. 2024;21(2):77-83
pages 77-83 views
Clinical and laboratory rationale for the use of biomarkers for the diagnosis of inflammatory and repair processes of the oral cavity in patients with diabetes mellitus
Mironov A.Y., Martynova M.I., Erokina N.L., Lepilin A.V.

Predicting the course of inflammatory and reparative processes by studying cytokines and growth factors contained in biological fluids of the oral cavity is especially important in patients with concomitant pathologies, including diabetes mellitus. The purpose of the study is to justify the use of biomarkers for the diagnosis of inflammatory and reparative processes in the oral cavity in patients with diabetes mellitus after tooth extraction surgery. Materials and methods of research. A clinical and laboratory examination of 50 patients who underwent tooth extraction for chronic periodontitis was carried out. 25 of them had type 2 diabetes mellitus, 25 had no concomitant pathology (comparison group). Laboratory studies included determination of the level of cytokines and growth factors in the sockets of extracted teeth. Results. Clinical indicators indicate a longer inflammatory process in the tooth socket. Its epithelization in patients with type 2 diabetes took longer than in patients without concomitant pathology. The level of biomarkers of the tooth socket in patients with diabetes mellitus is characterized by the production of less than in the comparison group, the amount of most of the pro-inflammatory cytokines we studied, the anti-inflammatory cytokine RAIL-1 and the growth factor VEGF with an increase in the level of TGF. Conclusion. Data from clinical indicators and the level of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, growth factors in the dental sockets of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus indicate a slowdown in inflammatory and reparative processes due to a violation of immunoregulatory mechanisms.

Volgograd Journal of Medical Research. 2024;21(2):84-87
pages 84-87 views
To assess sexual dimorphism manifested in the process of eruption of permanent teeth (using the example of a population of children and adolescents in Udmurtia)
Chuchkova N.N., Polyakova O.L., Smetanina M.V., Chuchkov V.M., Pazinenko K.A.

The purpose of the study is to identify sexual dimorphism reflected in the timing and rate of eruption of permanent teeth in children of the Udmurt Republic. Research methods: 2 160 children of the Udmurt Republic aged 5 to 14 years were examined (with an annual interval), in equal numbers of boys and girls (1080 people each), 216 children of each age for each year of the study. The eruption of permanent teeth (EPT) was determined according to WHO criteria (2001). Results. At five years of age, at the onset of EPT, the percentage of girls whose upper (UMI) and lower (LMI) medial incisors had erupted was greater than that of boys by 2.1 % and 7.7 %, respectively. At 6 years of age, the percentage differences were 2 % for UMI and 6.2 % for LMI (girls are ahead). The end of the EPT for UMI in the female population was 8 years, in the male population – at 9 years. There were 27.5 % of girls with erupted upper lateral incisors (ULI) at the age of 5, and 21.7 % of boys. The greatest differences in the percentage of male and female children who erupted their ULI were observed at ages 7 and 8 years, being 12.9 % and 13.8 %, respectively. For the lower lateral incisors (LLI), a similar degree of sexual dimorphism was less typical; differences between years appeared in no more than 1.8 % of cases. The end of eruption of LLI in girls was 9 years old, in boys – 10 years. Conclusion. Thus, the phenomenon of sexual dimorphism in the population of children in Udmurtia can be traced in relation to the annual intervals of eruption of the permanent medial and lateral incisors of the upper and lower jaw. The data obtained may be used in the development of population standards for teething, taking into account sex differences, in orthodontics and forensic medicine.

Volgograd Journal of Medical Research. 2024;21(2):88-93
pages 88-93 views

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