Clinical-statistical analysis of risk factors of post-traumatic epilepsy

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The craniocereberal trauma (CT) is an etiology factor of development of post-traumatic epilepsy (PTE). PTE is the most frequent among all forms of symptomatic epilepsy, and reaches of 27,7% according to the researches conducted in Russia. The particular interest causes a question of predisposition and risk factors of development of PTE after a craniocerebral injury. A major role plays anamnesis data (factors of perinatal pathology, signs of morfo-functional immaturity of CNS, predisposed paroxysmal states, etc.), the undergone CT severity, the duration of unconscious period, etc. Objective data are obtained by means of an electroencephalography (EEG) and a new modern electrophysiological technique of the caused potentials of a brain (VP). The conclusion is drawn that epileptoid multi-factor of PTE and probability of epileptic attacks emergence define competency of the differentiated approach to therapy of the acute period of CT and the subsequent supervision over the patients. In some cases at the highest risk of the development of PTE antiepileptic preparations with the preventive purpose is possible.

About the authors

M V Kurov


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