Interrelation of genetic disturbances in the haemostatic system, homocystein metabolismand the course of hemorrhagic vasculitis

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In hemorrhagic vasculitis due to inflammation in the walls of microvessels and endothelial damage to their hypercoagulable changes occur in the hemostatic system, leading to thrombophilia. These disturbances in some patients may be exacerbated by the hyperhomocysteinemia caused by mutations in the genes of methylenetetrahydrofolate (MTHFR) C677T and metioninreduktazsintazy (MTRR) Ile22Met. An increase in the frequency of these mutations in hemorrhagic vasculitis , compared with people without the disease , as well as differences in the prevalence of mutations in various forms and degrees of severity of vasculitis. Role of other genetic abnormalities in the haemostatic system in hemorrhagic vasculitis requires further research.

About the authors

Yu O Berman


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