Influence of arterial hypertension on blood aggregation in geriatric patients with ischemic heart disease

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The study included 138 elderly men. The patients are divided into four groups: first group consisted of patients without clinical manifestations of the cardiovascular system; the second group includes persons with ischemic heart disease, stable angina of functional class II, chronic heart failure in stage I, I-II functional class; the third group - patients with ischemic heart disease, stable angina of functional class II, hypertension 1-3 degrees, congestive heart failure in stage I, I-II functional class. The control group included healthy men of mature age. Shown that elderly patients against coronary heart disease combined with hypertension there are changes in the state of aggregation of blood and found a close correlation relationship between the individual factors of blood aggregation. Only a multi-faceted impact on all indicators of blood aggregation in geriatric patients will create favorable conditions for improving the quality and longevity.

About the authors

A I Lysenko



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Copyright (c) 1970 Lysenko A.I.

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