Social efficiency of One day surgerydepartmentin multi-profilemedical institution

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One of the basic criteria of the estimation activity of TPI is social efficiency. On the example
of One day surgery department, created in 1998 on the basis of MSU №5, the author carried
out complex research of social efficiency of the given department. The socially-demographic
medical services portrait of the consumer is established. Satisfaction of patients is defined
by quality of medical aid while staying in the department. The patients opinion on state of
health in the postoperative period is studied. On the basis of the received data the author
comes to the conclusion that 84,5 % of respondents prefer surgical treatment in One day
surgery department

About the authors

Lyudmila Anatolyevna Lazareva

Samara state medical university

Samara state medical university


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Copyright (c) 2009 Lazareva L.A.

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