Contradictoriness and coherence of both medical and social aspects of euthanasia problem

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Contradictoriness and coherence of both medical and social main aspects of euthanasia problem are considered within a structurally functional approach where the functions of the social institute, its place in the social structure, and also the interrelation of various social institutes are investigated. Thus, the solution of the problem of euthanasia within a social aspect and philosophical one, is investigated by the author by means of the analysis of activity features and interaction of the social and medical institutes directed on the assistance to people, suffering from chronic and incurable diseases. As those the health care institute, legal institutes, ethical committees, the institute of social work, the family institute, religion, etc. are considered. This approach assumes the identification of modern contradictions and coherence of the mentioned institutes, disclosure of the structurally functional changes caused in them, and also the analysis of change of norms and values in spheres where it is assisted in the field of health which is directly connected with a humanization of the most philosophical problem of death and dying as a whole.

About the authors

T V Mikhaylova

T V Mikhilova


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Copyright (c) 1970 Mikhaylova T.V., Mikhilova T.V.

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