Vol 20, No 3-4 (2020)

Philosophical sciences

Commercial representation of graven image at easter island in a conflict area

Kabylinsky B.V.


The article provides author’s reflections on the conflict nature of capitalism at Rapa Nui (Easter Island), inspired by impressions of his own participation in the anthropological expedition to the island in August 2019. As the methodological basis of the study, the author uses the works of Professor V. Malloy, his scientific followers and also own notes of conversations with Doctor P. Pouwnell, whose fate has been connected with Rapa-Nui for more than 60 years. The article is an attempt to separate the most popular misconceptions about Rapa Nui in mass culture from the real history of the famous moai (monuments).

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2020;20(3-4):5-9
pages 5-9 views

Fraktal and transdisciplinary approaches in the study of fundamental human relationships

Kovshov E.М.


The article compares the transdisciplinary and fractal approaches in the study of the fundamental human relations (to oneself, to the world, society, the Absolute). The methodology of both approaches proceeding from the general principles of postnonclassical rationality can be noticed in this analysis. The commonality of these approaches is presented in a new scientific direction — energy-information medicine. In the study of these human relationships, the fractal approach can be interpreted as transdisciplinary in its extremely comprehensive version. The aim of the study is to clarify the and commonality and differences in both approaches. The author comes to a conclusion the fractal and transdisciplinary approaches can intersect and overlap depending on the content and specific circumstances in studies of extremely complex systems (flora, fauna, humans, society, etc.).

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2020;20(3-4):10-15
pages 10-15 views

Social-philosophical aspects of educational online platform at the russian internet segment

Gerasimov A.V.


The article is devoted to the analysis of online platforms focused on a modern teacher in the space of the Russian-language Internet. The aim of the article is to identify the most effective online platforms, the integrated use of which will significantly increase the degree of informatization and digitalization of the educational process adequate to the current state of information culture. Such resources make it possible to broadcast various kinds of structured information, demonstrate both the content of the educational activities of teachers and its creative component, transmit and receive information remotely, which meets the requirements of a developing information society. Empirical, structural-functional and structural-typological methods were used in the study. The technological component of distance learning determines a wide range of technical capabilities, a sufficient number of existing Internet resources, and at the same time, equipment of educational institutions, licensed software, and content uniqueness remain problematic. From the standpoint of social philosophy, it is concluded that in the developing information society, the Russian education sector is faced with a situation where domestic educational online resources are ahead of the average level of information culture of teachers with their capabilities.

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2020;20(3-4):16-22
pages 16-22 views

Social contexts of music culture in the epoch of “current modernity”: from aleatoric to reflecting Shostakovich

Petinova M.A.


The dynamic processes taking place in society encompass all the meridians of activity-based forms of culture, including art. The social optics of everyday life shows that today the conditions for the existence of institutions can suddenly change, leading to a change in the way a person exists, transforming his place and habitual forms of activity, leading to an unexpected change in perception, destroying established expectations and goals. Time in such a new social ontology loses its processuality and connectedness, turning into isolated moments, impulses. Creativity processes either freeze, giving way to states of obscurity, prostration, or go into the development of a new media reality, into the public sphere of the digital environment and social communication. The above-described properties of the modern social world have allowed Sigmund Bauman to metaphorically describe it as “fluid modernity”. But if the borders are fluid and “pass everywhere” (M. Bakhtin), then the global question arises of the place and position of culture and, in particular, art. Time in such a new social ontology loses its processuality and connectedness, turning into isolated moments, impulses. Creativity processes either freeze, giving way to states of obscurity, prostration, or go into the development of a new media reality, into the public sphere of the digital environment and social communication. The above-described properties of the modern social world have allowed Sigmund Bauman to metaphorically describe it as “fluid modernity”. But if the borders are fluid and “pass everywhere” (M. Bakhtin), then the global question arises of the place and position of culture and, in particular, art.

In the article, music as a form of culture is considered in relation to the social theory of Z. Bauman. And also mentioned D.D. Shostakovich in the context of the double meaning of his work.

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2020;20(3-4):23-28
pages 23-28 views

On the issue of the existing counter — extremism and terrorism strategies

Tyurikov V.E.


This article presents a review and a synthesis of basic strategies and approaches, which constitute the basis of modern strategies for combating extremist and terrorist threats or their prevention. The approaches to the matter are defined, and their social consequences are considered. It summarizes the issues, concerning prior aspects of counter-terrorism strategies, which should be taken into consideration. It also presents some critical expert views whether any universal foundations for counter-terrorism strategies could be found. The author pays attention to the existing general difficulties at this scientific field, which directly affect the study’s success. It focuses on the importance of careful approach to the issue from both by the general public and policy makers.

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2020;20(3-4):29-34
pages 29-34 views

The continuity of the byzantine church tradition in Russian book culture

Afanasevsky V.L.


The article attempts to outline the trend of Russian scribes to perceive the Byzantine Church tradition. The author also builds a view that the movement goes from anticipating the inheritance of the traditions of the Christian Byzantine Church and statehood to the process of direct perception of the Byzantine Church state power and authority by the Russian Church. The Byzantine theologians interpreted the split of Christianity as the appearance, along with the true Orthodox Church of the Western Church, in which a person was the individual desacralization. After the fall of Byzantium, it was the destined Russian Orthodox Church that acted as the guardian of the canonical and dogmatic tradition of true Orthodoxy. And, first of all, this was expressed in the continuity of the tradition integrity of the spiritual and secular authorities. The author considers the way of expressing these processes in the theological and political treatises of the aborning Russian book tradition, which gave rise to the formation of a specific Russian ideocratic project. The ideology of Moscow as the Third Rome, launched by Russian scribes, became possible due to the fact that Orthodox Russia has assumed the most important sacred mission.

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2020;20(3-4):35-40
pages 35-40 views

Boundary phenomenon Bakhtin’s philosophy

Baraboshina N.V.


The article analyzes the phenomenon of “boundary” in the philosophy of M.M. Bakhtin. The thesis that the boundary in the concept of M.M. Bakhtin can be considered as a dialogue in which each remark of the participants presents a full-fledged questioning about being, requiring individual responsibility and correlation of meanings. The boundary in Bakhtin’s theory is considered from the perspective of “participatory thinking,” as the moment of transition in a responsible act in which a person affirms being-co-being. The perspective of considering the boundary as an event (event) — the point of meaning in a situation of «context-event motivation» and self-determination of a person in the world of culture is shown. The article outlines the potential of the “boundary” as one of the significant concepts in Bakhtin’s “anthropological ontology” and modern philosophy.

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2020;20(3-4):41-47
pages 41-47 views

D.D. Shostakovich in Samara — university project

Burlina E.Y.


Once of the largest event in the world culture of the twentieth century is premiere of the Seventh Symphony by D.D. Shostakovich in Kuibyshev. It took place on March 5, 1942 and is described in detail. The author of the article puts forward a hypothesis about the fixed image of Shostakovich in the city’s homosphere, namely as the author of the”military Symphony”. Other works created by him in the “reserve capital” did not receive a philosophical and cultural understanding. The article also presents a projective idea: Shostakovich’s music as a communication and University promoter. The article describes for the first time the internationalization of the almanac and the exhibition “Samaras Hommage”. The Samara project with this name was presented to Bonn, at The Russian Consulate General, on the anniversary of the end of World War II. Professors from Europa universities were also invited to the presentation. For the first time, describes how to participate in the intercultural project of the writer CH.T. Aitmatov. The author conclusion that the Kuibyshev period of D.D. Shostakovich is significantly shortened and read far from completely, including in a scientific and communicative way.

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2020;20(3-4):48-54
pages 48-54 views

Runaway beauty as a cultural reality and empatic experience

Ionesov V.I., Sloeva E.A.


The aesthetic foundations of culture are in the constant focus not only of humanitarian knowledge, but also serve as an actual subject of interdisciplinary research. The article argues the view of beauty as an imperative of culture and the experience of aestheticе trial. Beauty understanding is not shown to consist of the punctual detailing of beauty. The beauty of the object is higher than the object itself — the beauty is a specific cultural phenomenon. Gaining the freedom through the beauty, a person restores his lost connection with nature and expands the boundaries of his being, his desires and opportunities. In beauty, the world is filled with meaning and assembled in harmony. Beauty has always remained a desirable, but elusive phenomenon for a person. In the aesthetic imagination of the drama of being, human nature finds the ability to overcome unbearable pain from its anthropological insufficiency and ontological alienation from the world that surrounds it and which it creates.

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2020;20(3-4):55-62
pages 55-62 views

The chronotope in the worldview and music eras

Yarmuhametova R.S.


In this article the author refers to the philosophical and cultural concepts of “worldview” and “chronotope” and justifies their interpretation in musicology. In his concept, the author proceeds from the recognition of the content of musical matter, which allows attributing the historical belonging of musical works. The worldview of the epoch and the picture of the world inherent in this time is reflected in the most characteristic means of expression, based on musical intonation, semantics of typical forms and genres. The combination of the methodology of philosophical and musicological analysis of space and time in music allows us to achieve the most adequate interpretation of the semantic field of a work of art in its historical interpretation.

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2020;20(3-4):63-66
pages 63-66 views

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