Vol 18, No 7-8 (2018)


The problem of the “identifying state” in ontognoseology

Ognev A.N.


The article is devoted to the consideration of the concept of «identifying state» in ontognoseology and shows the necessity of its dialectical interpretation. The main focus of the research is on the implications of the teachings of the Soviet philosopher M.A. Lifshits, revealing the differences in the patterns of possible perception of his theoretical heritage. The problem of the identifying state is considered as the central methodological structure of ontognoseology. The significance of skeptical isosthenia in the construction of the conceptual structure of the concept of an identifying state is shown.
Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2018;18(7-8):5-11
pages 5-11 views

The religiosity of L. Wittgenstein: N. Malcolm’s analogies

Fedotov Y.S., Talalaeva E.Y.


The research analyzes the religiosity of Ludwig Wittgenstein through the historical and philosophical reconstruction of the philosopher’s worldview. Western scholars widely apply some aspects of Wittgenstein’s intellectual heritage for productive solution to the problems of the philosophy of religion, whereas this issue has not been developed at the appropriate level in the Russian science. This determines the relevance of the research. The authors focus on the solution to the key question for this problem: how does Wittgenstein’s philosophical position relate to the religious worldview? The study pays a particular attention to the four analogies of Norman Malcolm that he drew between his teacher’s philosophy and the religious perception of the world. Analyzing the original Malcolm’s position, the authors draw their own conclusion about the existence of certain parallels between Wittgensteinian and religious ideas, as well as the relationship between the logic and metaphysics of the outstanding Austrian philosopher.
Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2018;18(7-8):12-18
pages 12-18 views

Value orientations: evolution of social and humanitarian thought

Golubnichy R.V.


The purpose of the article is to analyze the origin and the development of the idea of value orientations in historical retrospect. The author gives assessment of various historical stages characterizing the process of evolution of value orientations, including representatives of the main philosophical and axiological schools of Antiquity, Ancient East, the period of Modern times, Western European axiology and the Middle Ages. The article demonstrates the role of the representatives of Baden school of neo-Kantianism and Russian religious philosophy in the development of the value field. The axiological views of representatives of Western philosophy of the first half of the 19th century, as well as supporters of psychological and sociological schools are reflected. It is shown that value orientations of the individual characterize his/her life claims and preferences. It is proved that the generalization of this historical experience contributes to the understanding of the value of the individual consciousness, through which a person establishes his/her value relations with the world and comprehends the value properties of life.
Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2018;18(7-8):19-24
pages 19-24 views

Communicative factor in ethnogenesis

Kazaryan A.G.


The article examines the role of the mass media in the formation of ethnic identity of the individual. Media discourse becomes especially actual in the modern multi-ethnic society. In the context of the ethnogenesis, the mass media don’t rely on real historical knowledge, but primitivize it, passing through media filters. Instead of an objective picture of the past, the individual receives pre-dosed information or deals with its withholding or multiple duplication. The paradox is in the fact that communication gradually closes the person on himself: in modern media space, the individual remains alone with his/her own experience, trying to correlate personal experience with the visual one. The importance of new media in overcoming the crisis of ethnic identity is analyzed. In the conditions of polyethnicity and inculturation, social networks are becoming a platform for creating new mechanisms for the reproduction of ethnicity and the translation of subjective projects of ethnic identity. Thus, ethnic identity acquires new meanings and values, in some cases extending to “ethnic fanaticism”.
Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2018;18(7-8):25-29
pages 25-29 views

Profanation as a method of deactivation of political theology

Koretskaya M.A.


The article analyzes J. Agamben’s idea that profanation is a practice of deactivating the political theology. The following questions are discussed: how the act of profanation works in the culture, what functions it performs, if these functions could be changed in the current situation, and how effective the act of profanation is. It is hypothesized that the act of profanation is less homogeneous than Agamben shows. It can be played out in three different scenarios producing different effects that rather support sacral orders than deactivate them.
Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2018;18(7-8):30-36
pages 30-36 views

Binary opposition of “normal”/“abnormal” in the category of corporality

Rusanova A.A.


Based on the retrospective analysis of philosophical studies, the author reveals a binary opposition of the notions “normal”/”abnormal” corporality. In this paper, the author puts forward the claim that this binary opposition is based on social agreements - constructions that have symbolic nature.
Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2018;18(7-8):37-43
pages 37-43 views

Prerequisites for the formation of a revolutionary potential

Savchenko V.A.


Механизмы возникновения и развития революционного процесса - одна из самых обсуждаемых тем в научном и журналистском сообществе. Исследователи рассматривают объективные и субъективные стороны этого явления, анализируют ситуацию в стране до революционных событий, в ходе и по окончании их. Обсуждаются основные векторы действий правительства и оппозиционных сил в борьбе за власть, факторы, приближающие революцию и отдаляющие её. За последние 20 лет на земном шаре произошло не менее 20 революций, итогом которых стала смена действующих правительств, в некоторых случаях сопровождающаяся гражданской войной. В статье рассмотрены основные механизмы и предпосылки социальных взрывов, способных вызвать быстрые коренные перемены в государстве.
Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2018;18(7-8):44-55
pages 44-55 views

Global problems and their coverage in scientific publications

Sazhienko Е.V.


The article examines the relevance of global problems and their coverage in contemporary russian scientific journals based on the content analyses data. We compare the usage frequency of words belonging to socio-cultural, environmental, socio-economic and demographic aspects of global problems.
Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2018;18(7-8):56-61
pages 56-61 views


Sokolova A.S.


The aim of this article is to analyze the socio-philosophical characteristics of the Eurasian society, which is being built in Russia as the result of the transformation of the soviet society into the socio-capitalist one. Having taken the A. Toynbee’s paradigm of Challenges and Responses, works of N.A. Danilevsky, A.S. Panarin, M.G. Delyagin and the program statements of the Russian president as a basis for research, the common features of the Eurasian society and its influence on the formation of the Russian Eurasian agency were introduced. These features include the Eurasian area, history, statehood, demosociality, identity, socialism and capitalism convergence, the middle tempo of progress etc. Examining the Eurasian society features in detail, the description of such elements of the Eurasian civilization as people, state, economy and well-being is given. The idea of eurasianism is presented as a possible way of the Russian modern society development that might be an adequate Response to contemporary Challenges.
Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2018;18(7-8):62-67
pages 62-67 views

The possibility of the Other in the concept of L. Wittgenstein

Afanasevsky V.L.


The article considers the approach to the theme of the Other (intersubjectivity) in the analytical philosophy of L. Wittgenstein. The author shows the immersion of the Other into the depths of the language and its coordination with the problem of the meaning of linguistic expression. The way out of methodological solipsism for Wittgenstein was the presentation of consciousness as a function of a specific historical individual who is in communicative interaction with other actors. The problem of the Other arises from the denial of the socio-cultural context and the thinking of the absolute (non-premise) subject, towering above everyday life.
Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2018;18(7-8):68-72
pages 68-72 views

Medical university in the socio-cultural space of the soviet city: the example of Samara (Kuibyshev) in the 1930s

Zavodyuk S.Y., Zanin S.V., Stolyarov O.D.


The place and role of medical university in the structure of cultural and educational urban space in the 1930s are considered in the article on the example of Samara (Kuibyshev) State Medical Institute and Kuibyshev Military Medical Academy. The authors draw attention to the processes of transformation that took place under the influence of new socio-political trends caused by the Soviet modernization of this period. The features of the Soviet model of urbanization and its impact on the development of cultural and educational environment and health care system are highlighted.
Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2018;18(7-8):73-80
pages 73-80 views

The esthetization of the ugly:the requirement of the modern culture

Krivykh E.G.


The reorientation of the aesthetic core of modern culture is considered through the prism of the perception of new social practices, including the phenomena of the marginal and the ugly, which become the subject of aesthetic evaluation. This process manifests itself in architectural activity, as architecture is both technical activity and the sphere of art that creates an artistic image of the human environment. Philosophy of deconstructivism addresses the issue of distinction as a characteristic moment of becoming, of being in uncertainty, which results in a certain aesthetic appeal of novelty. Modern nonlinear architecture breaks stereotypes of perception formed by classical aesthetics. This trend expresses the fundamental non-closure of the semiotic field of modern architecture, the desire to present the dynamics and inconsistency of modern society with new artistic means.
Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2018;18(7-8):81-86
pages 81-86 views

The study of asceticism as a cultural practice and an experience of “self-gathering”

Rybakov S.K.


In this article, a cultural practice is considered as a border between the culture and the lack of culture. The culture as a universal experience of being appears like a bridge through the abyss of the “human, all too human” (Nietzsche), randomness, irrationality, mortality (finitude) to the order, loftiness, consciousness and the ontological fullness. In this case, the cultural practices perform the function of the “rod posts” for this bridge over the abyss. The author substantiates a thesis that the phenomenon of asceticism as a practice of overcoming and “self-gathering” is nonconfessional, it is above religion, and the ascetical experience of self-limitation forms the vector of the way from the lack of culture to the culture of identity, integrity, indivisibility and the unity with all existence.
Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2018;18(7-8):87-91
pages 87-91 views

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