Vol 22, No 3 (2022)

Philosophical sciences

The features of the interdisciplinary comprehension of Christian religious mysticism

Shugurov M.V., Mozzhilin S.I.


Aim – to consider the possibilities and prospects for the formation of interdisciplinary meta-reflection in comprehension of religious and mystical experience. Using the methods of critical philosophical reflection and dialectical logic, the authors analyze the specifics of the diversity of disciplinary approaches and interpretations of religious and mystical experience. At the same time, special attention is given to the factors of interdisciplinary interaction that contribute to the leveling of disciplinary and interpretation differences, which is necessary for the synthesis of new knowledge. Also, authors explain the prospects for the development of meta-reflection of a multidisciplinary space, where there are zones of interdisciplinary interaction.

The logic of the study made it possible to draw conclusions about the prospects and advantages of interdisciplinary synthesis, which goes through synergy, contributing to the clarification of the archetypes of Christian mysticism and other religions.

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2022;22(3):3-6
pages 3-6 views

Phenomena and risks of the profession-forming space in the modern society

Alenin P.N.


Aim – to analyze the factors actively influencing the professionalization process using the phenomenological approach. Such factors are globalization, the current epidemiological situation and digitalization. The phenomenological analysis revealed the characteristics of the professional space specific for the information society. These characteristics allow us to determine the trends in the process of professionalization. The main indicators that mark the changes in the profession-forming space are deprofessionalization and shift of professional values of modern individuals, being, at the same time, the main risk factors of this process.

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2022;22(3):7-10
pages 7-10 views

To the problem of conceptualization of historical memory

Anisimova S.Y.


Aim – to proceed the conceptualization of historical memory. The author expresses the idea that conceptualization lays within the philosophical boundaries of interpretations of the socio-ontological grounds for historical memory. The socio-ontological foundations allow us to reveal the ontological status of historical memory on different levels of being. At the level of social being, the historical memory acts as the ability of the society to fix the stages of interaction with the environment, ontologizing the process of human appropriation of the natural material. On the institutional level, the historical memory fixes its own content in the system of social institutions, with the help of which the functions of public policy, effective management and education are performed. At the existential level, the historical memory preserves and continues the life of the dynasty, the family, and the individual in spatial and temporal coordinates: the past – here; the past – here and now; the past – here and there. The author suggests including the problematics of historical memory in the interdisciplinary research to expand the boundaries of its conceptualization. The ontological commonality of historical and biological memory is observed, which enhances the fundamental status of historical memory.

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2022;22(3):11-16
pages 11-16 views

The essence and originality of the Russian legal consciousness in the modern period: a theoretical clarification

Ariticheva A.A.


Aim – a theoretical concretization of the essence and originality of the legal consciousness of modern Russian citizens. The following argument is the basic one: socio-philosophical analytics is immanent to historically established theories of legal understanding and legal consciousness.

The author speaks on the history of the legal foundations in Russian statehood and identifies the specifics of legal understanding. The theories of state and law of B.N. Chicherin and I.A. Ilyin, as well as the socio-philosophical (libertarian) theory of law of V.S. Nersesyants are discussed. The originality of legal consciousness is proved to have been determined by the specifics of a particular time. Thus, some legal theorizations were created by B.N. Chicherin on the eve of the abolition of serfdom, by I.A. Ilyin – on the eve and after the revolution of 1917, and by V.S. Nersesyants – at the end of the Soviet period in the history of Russia. The theorizations of law undertaken by these thinkers can also be considered as their individual legal consciousness.

Despite the ideological diversity, the theoretical constructions of B.N. Chicherin, I.A. Ilyin and V.S. Nersesyants (as well as their legal consciousness) are related by the presence of the idea of justice (equality). The basic principle of law is truth as the identity of justice (B.N. Chicherin). The legal consciousness of a person as a statement of his "own spirituality" presupposes a special equality – recognition of the "spirituality of other people" (I.A. Ilyin). The idea of equal norms and measures for all (social equality), freedom and justice are the main elements of law (V.S. Nersesyants). The idea of justice (equality) is stated as a certain theoretical inertia and included in socio-philosophical theoretical constructions (A.G. Sabirov, A.E. Makhovikov).

Today, at the next turning point in both Russian and world history, the legal consciousness of Russians is also discussed through the peculiar property of dialectical transformation inherent in it – "in accordance", "in favor" or "contrary" to reality. It is indicated that today, equality and justice as specific Russian features of individual and mass legal consciousness presuppose, among other things, a twofold observance of legal self-discipline – both by citizens themselves and by a legal state of social type.

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2022;22(3):17-21
pages 17-21 views

Anxious expectations of students for distance learning: assessment in a philosophical context

Borisova T.V., Izmailov E.P., Golubeva N.D.


Aim – to consider the phenomenon of anxious expectations that arises in students in the process of distance learning.

Material and methods. The anxious expectations were assessed using a specially adapted questionnaire of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). The students of SamSTU from grades 1 and 2, aged 18 to 22 years, took part in the survey (n = 162).

Results. The study revealed that the distance learning process contained latent component of anxiety of both existential and technical nature. With distance learning, 22% of students noted a decrease in the assimilation of educational material by an average of 15%. 75.92% of students were completely satisfied with the knowledge gained, 19.75% – not completely satisfied, and 4.32% – not satisfied.

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2022;22(3):22-26
pages 22-26 views

Psychoanalysis as a scientific research program

Zotov A.M.


Aim – to consider some basic aspects of the development of psychoanalysis in the methodology proposed by Imre Lakatos. We outlined the constituent elements of the "solid core" that make up a psychoanalytic metapsychology; the work of the "protective layer" is shown by examples. The development of psychoanalysis and the preservation of its heuristic power have been facilitated by the transformations and discoveries that have led to the formation of the modern form of this scientific research program. Since its emergence, psychoanalysis has become a way of studying the human being outside of medicine as well. The dissemination of the ideas of psychoanalysis in philosophy, sociology, politics, anthropology, etc., involved more and more researchers in the development of theoretical constructions, critically revising the fundamental positions and giving the program a contemporary resonance. Throughout the development of psychoanalysis as a scientific research program, the reliance on therapeutic practice has been critical.

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2022;22(3):27-35
pages 27-35 views

Social intendance in the modern world: social and philosophical aspect

Kosterin A.A.


Aim – to review the concept of "social intendance" according to its fundamental components, which are currently understood as personnel or organization management with the basic principle of "goal – impact – result", as well as to separate the approaches to the social intendance both in terms of functionality and principle components of this concept, which differ from "social management" in the way of the management process.

After separating by key features, it is clear that social management is included in social intendance as one of the components of the process. We can observe the need for such components of the social intendance process as interaction, integration, information exchange, and we can predict possible options for the development of the management process to the position of an exclusively production concept, namely, the exclusion of the role of social capital.

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2022;22(3):36-40
pages 36-40 views

Modern socio-cultural situation: the problem of value orientations

Listvina E.V.


Aim – to identify value orientations within the concept of metamodernism. The article notes that after several decades of postmodernism, society turns to metamodernism as a new attempt to grasp its position in a constantly varying present, as an attempt to respond quickly to the proposed challenges of time.

The author considers main features of metamodernism, and on their basis offers a characteristic of current value orientations, replacing the modernist attitudes: recognition of the value of "to stay between", the value priority of feeling and sensation, orientation on deep meanings, the desire to be involved in the great history. We conclude that metamodernism offers new ways of comprehending social being and, within their framework, the construction of a new hierarchy of value orientations.

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2022;22(3):41-43
pages 41-43 views

Russian military theory of the first half of the XX century: Attempts to create a philosophy of war

Stepanov I.V.


In the modern world, the problems of war are becoming particularly relevant, requiring philosophical reflection. Within the framework of the Russian military theory of the XX century, attempts have already been made to create a philosophy of war. These attempts were aimed at the synthesis of philosophical and military-theoretical knowledge.

Aim – to analyze the concepts of A.A. Kersnovsky, N.N. Golovin and A.E. Snesarev in order to identify the theoretical foundations and tasks of the philosophy of war in the works of these authors.

Conclusion. In the works of A.A. Kersnovsky, the philosophy of war becomes the national theology of war, in the works of N.N. Golovin, the philosophy of war is transformed into the sociology of war, in the works of A.E. Snesarev, the philosophy of war is understood as a moral and scientific synthesis of military issues.

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2022;22(3):44-49
pages 44-49 views

The emergence of affordances of artifacts as a process of knowledge accumulation (on the example of weapons)

Larionov V.V.


Aim – to determine the typology of weapons and to substantiate the need to assess the degree of destructive impact of the affordances of artifacts used as weapons on the surrounding objects and society as a whole. The Michael Cole's theory was used as the methodological basis of the study, which has a great applicative potential and allows you to give an object a comprehensive description. An "artifact" is a material man-made object produced in the process of creative transformation and intended for a specific purpose. The term "affordance", introduced by James Gibson, is interpreted as a "potential opportunity" for a detailed analysis of all possible options for the use of an artefact, depending on the person's current intentions. The author considers the process of active cognitive activity of the subject resulting in the invention of new functions of material objects from the standpoint of epistemological realism. The existing classification of weapons, from the point of view of the process of meaning formation, does not fully reveal all the features of its creation and functions laid down at the stages of design and production. The article presents the original typology of weapons based on the analysis of the stages of the evolution of mankind, the change in scientific representation of the world and the types of scientific rationality. The strict legislative regulation of the trade, production, acquisition, carrying and use of certain types of weapons pushes people, in cases of a threat to their life and health, to use ordinary household items as means of protection. Under these conditions, there is a need to revise existing approaches and methods for examination and evaluation of artefacts created by people that allow their use as a weapon.

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2022;22(3):50-56
pages 50-56 views

On the philosophical "dumbness" of ancient Russian literature

Afanasevskii V.L.


Aim – to review the process of formation of Russian philosophical discourse. The author supports the position that there was no philosophical discourse in the literature of the ancient Russians, and the original Russian philosophy began to form only in the 18th century. The books of Ancient Russia are characterized by the absence of a direct connection with the ancient philosophical tradition. The ideas of Ancient authors came to Russia through Byzantium. However, the ancient Russian scribes perceived them as "Hellenic sophistry" and manifestations of paganism.

The author comes to the conclusion that the Russian religious literature is specific for its essential orientation to the Greek religious literature of the IV-VI centuries. Russian philosophy historians can understand better the specifics of the Russian intellectual culture analyzing religious texts.

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2022;22(3):57-60
pages 57-60 views

A viewer and a movie: looking for the meaning

Ivanova D.D.


Aim – to identify the basic states of a person in the process of watching a movie and to determine the point when the meaning is constructed. Three states of the viewer are analyzed: "before", "now", "after". Their specific features in relation to the formation of meaning are revealed.

The author comes to the conclusion that this construction, which is significant for the viewer, refers to the "after" state, which is associated with the grasping of the problems posed in the film in the past and reflection on them. The factors influencing this process are the ordinary experience, biographical circumstances, the distance of perception. But in the modern world, in the conditions of the growing attention of the viewers to film reviews, states are being replaced, which leads to the substitution of the meanings of the real world and the loss of the possibility of their identification with the help of cinema.

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2022;22(3):61-63
pages 61-63 views

Semantics of absurdity on the metaphysical clock of dystopia: Russian intentions

Malyshev V.B.


The problem of absurdity is a multidimensional problem of philosophical anthropology, it raises the question of the postmodern man, about the existence of man in the world of dystopia. Through the semantics of absurdity, it becomes possible to consider the problems of aesthetic, epistemological, cultural properties in the context of posing a fundamental question about a person, about a person in principle.

Aim – to correlate the semantics of absurdity and the concept of a metaphysical clock. Absurdity is regarded as the destruction of the ideal architectonics of the metaphysical clock of dystopia. The texts of dystopian novels by Evgeny Zamyatin, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Ray Bradbury are compared with texts of the Russian culture by Fedor Dostoevsky, Nikolay Gogol. The dystopias are considered as a symbolic "background" of human existence as a "ridiculous being". It is on the symbolic clock of dystopia, those ridiculous human qualities, which an imaginary society wants to abandon, seem to be the most valuable.

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2022;22(3):64-67
pages 64-67 views

Anthropological constants as the object of futurological analysis

Toropova E.A.


Aim – is to analyze a possible image of a person of the future from the perspective of preserving his essence. The article is devoted to the analysis of a person of the future, to the philosophical problems of understanding of the essence of a person and the prediction of possible human changes. Several approaches to the consideration of the essence of man in philosophy are also briefly presented. The interpretations of the ontological boundary in the synergetic anthropology of S.S. Horujy, as well as anthropological constants in the works of L.E. Motorina are considered, the shortcomings of these interpretations are analyzed. In the second part of the article, three sections of futurology were identified as a science engaged in predicting the future based on modern achievements and rational science and existing social, economic and cultural trends. Foresight was noted as one of the main methods of futurology, as well as the complexity of the study of anthropological foresight. Some approaches to the consideration of human images in the future, proposed by experts during the study of anthropological trends under the leadership of S.A. Smirnov, are also noted.

In conclusion, the concept of anthropological practices is revealed as a possible way to protect a person in the future world of transformations.

Aspirantskiy Vestnik Povolzhiya. 2022;22(3):68-72
pages 68-72 views

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